Appraisals — Foss Appraisal Service

Exciting news: We have moved! Our new address is 542 Industry Drive Tukwila, WA 98188

Seattle's Choice for Appraisal and Estate Sale Services




Every appraisal situation calls for careful consideration for the best approach to accurately express the value of an item or collection.  Our team of trained appraisers can assist you in determining what type of appraisal best fits your needs. Our expert appraisers can assist you with USPAP compliant equitable distribution estate appraisals, probate appraisals, divorce appraisals, trust inventory appraisals, estate inventory appraisal and insurance appraisals. Our appraisers can come to your home, office or storage location, whether you are in Seattle, Bellevue, Everett, Issaquah or anywhere in between. We are also happy to inspect your items at our office in Seattle’s Georgetown neighborhood where we offer free parking.

We also offer services specializing in on-site downsizing, moving and estate liquidation sales. We provide our clients with a wide variety of established and experienced services to successfully maximize the value of their belongings, antiques and collectibles.

On this website you can find information on the types of appraisals and estate sale services commonly requested for each need from death in the family to divorce or insurance.


Types of appraisals

  • Estate Appraisals: Whether your appraisal is for a high-value taxable estate or simply for equitable distribution we can assist you with valuing the contents of the estate you are administering.

  • Charitable Donation: The IRS may require a personal property appraisal on your non-cash charitable donation. Foss Appraisal Service can help you determine whether an appraisal is required for your donation.

  • Insurance: Insurance companies will often require an appraisal on high-value items prior to listing them on your homeowner’s insurance policy. Our appraisers can accurately determine the replacement cost to help insure you are properly covered.

  • Equitable Distribution: Each estate situation can require a fair and equitable distribution of the personal property. Our appraisers are experts at inventorying estates and determining the market value for a fair and equal division of property.

  • Damage/Loss Reports: In the unlikely event you suffer a damage or loss of personal property our expert appraisers can document the damaged items and establish the replacement cost or restored value.

  • Collector Vehicles: Establishing the value of a collector vehicle is not always as easy as looking up the Blue Book Value. Specialty and customized vehicles require a skilled eye and experienced appraiser to accurately document the value.

  • Fine Art: The appraisers at Foss Appraisal Service are experts at identifying and evaluating fine art. Whether you are curious about a recent acquisition or are needing an entire collection inventoried and appraised our experienced appraisers can help.

  • Antiques: The market for antiques is constantly changing, the items with the most value aren’t always as obvious as you might assume. Our trained appraisers can determine which items in your home have the highest value and assist with appraising or make recommendations on how best to handle your antiques.

  • Residential Contents: Whether you are needing an accurate inventory for probate or an itemized list for your insurance claim, the appraisers at Foss Appraisal Service are trained to accurately and efficiently catalog and value every part of your household contents.

  • Divorce: The process of getting a divorce or separation can be extremely stressful. Often the attorney’s require an accurate inventory and evaluation of the contents of the home. Our trained appraisers can create an efficient and painless inventory of your home to help ensure your personal property is accurately accounted for.

  • Probate: Every day we get calls from personal representatives asking for help with probate and estate administration. Whether you need multiple homes inventoried or just a small collection our experts can make sure you have a true understanding of your estate project.




Many clients of Foss Appraisal Service need help to liquidate the contents of a loved ones home, or are at a time in their lives when a significant downsizing is on the horizon.  

Foss Appraisal Service created Foss Estate Sales to work with our clients to provide valued services, experience and ease while making these transitions. Our goal is to create an enjoyable experience for both our client, their family as well as the buyers attending our estate sales.


Estate Tax

As the executor or personal representative for a loved one’s estate, you can be overwhelmed by the prospect of handling all of the different aspects of the job.

Foss Appraisal Service has worked on thousands of estates and can be of assistance when dealing with the personal property. From helping determine if an appraisal is necessary, to assisting with the valuation and distribution of the personal property, Foss Appraisal Service will make your job easier.


Jewelry appraisals

Can you be positive that the jewelry you own is properly insured? The experts at Foss Appraisal Service are graduates of the Gemological Institute of America (G.I.A.) and are specifically trained to accurately assess the value of antique as well as contemporary jewelry and loose stones.



Chris Foss, ISA-AM, GD owner and principal appraiser for Foss Appraisal Service is trained and experienced to assist you and your attorney as your expert witness.  Successfully testifying at trial takes more than simply answering questions. A successful expert witness will convey confidence, knowledge, trust and experience.  Call Foss Appraisal Service to discuss your case.


divorce appraisals

If you find yourself in a battle of assets while settling a divorce, a personal property appraisal report can assist the attorneys with an equitable dispersal of the parties’ property. 

Negotiating a divorce personal property settlement depends on a fair, impartial and accurate assessment of the value of the personal property. For an accurate evaluation, trust the expertise of our professional personal property appraisers.



Many basic home-owner’s insurance policies do not properly address the value of treasured items. If a claim must be made, an insurance company will require proof of value to be established prior to the claim. Even the most comprehensive policy does the individual no good if the replacement cost of the property has not been accurately determined.


Building Materials

If you are considering renovating your home, you should consider salvaging any of the re-usable materials during the remodel or deconstruction. Foss Appraisal Service is one of the few appraisers in the Puget Sound qualified under IRS code to evaluate the fair market value of used building materials for donation to a not-for-profit firm such as Habitat for Humanity or Earthcorps. After you choose which organization to support, contact Foss Appraisal Service to get your appraisal for tax benefits.


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