Online Estate Sale: Collectibles, Furniture, Artwork, Clothing
- Online Only Federal Way, WA 98023 United States (map)
Dates & Times:
Prices will be posted and purchasing will start at 6pm on Monday May 10th and continue until 9:30pm on Friday 14th.
Local Curb-Side Pick-Up in
Federal Way, WA 98023
Saturday May 15th from 10am until 2pm
This online estate sale from Federal Way, WA is the collection of a world traveler who loved the finer things and loved collecting. The prices will be published at 6pm on Monday May 10th at 6pm.
Terms & Conditions
All items must be picked up on Saturday May 15th from 10am until 2pm. Items that are not picked up are subject to storage fees.
No pricing is released before the sale.
Masks are required during pick-up.