Does the glass come with chips?
Think you know your decorative glass?
We’ll be the judge of that!
The following multiple-choice question will put you to the test:

What is Sandwich Glass?
a) a bread plate
b) glass with 3 layers
c) glass cut into the shape of a ham and cheese on rye
d) none of the above
The correct answer is, of course, ‘d’.
The name “Sandwich Glass” isn’t some coy or cutesy reference to the shape or the composition of the glass. Sandwich glass is simply glass produced in Sandwich, Massachusetts in the mid-to-late-1800’s, most notably at the Boston & Sandwich Glass Company. Deming Jarves, the man known as the creator of pressed glass, founded the Sandwich Glass Company.
Boston & Sandwich Glass cracked in 1890 and went out of business. But there was still a lot of interest in the lacy, pressed glass that used the blown molded technique.
Enter ‘Commerce.'"
In another examples of “imitation in the sincerest form of flattery” — and a brilliant way to make money - “Sandwich glass” became a term used for specific patterns inspired by the original Sandwich glass makers but created by non-Sandwich companies.
This story is an excerpt, courtesy of Betcha didn’t know that! 101 Antiques and collectibles Trivia Tips that can make you rich, famous and hit of the party, Volume 1, by Leon Castner and Brian Kathenes (